Do you have a citation supporting your assertion that CS kills all Virons?



On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Da Darrin <> wrote:

>   Victor:
> Although I agree with most of what you said, Lyme is a spiroqete which is
> a bacteria with a corkscrew shape much like that of the syphilis bacteria.
> It mines the myalin sheath from the nerves and encases itself to hide from
> the immune system or any other thing, like silver, from harming it.
>   Dave
> On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 8:53 PM, Victor Cozzetto <
> > wrote:
>> Yea, I was really disgusted by the 'Natural Solutions Foundation'
>> offensive videos. There 'special' CS is no better than our home brews.
>> I'm not the leading exert or anything but, about viruses, yes, the CS
>> will kill all pathogens that it comes in contact with. Some are more
>> difficult to kill than others, but there is no known pathogen that can
>> survive CS. Contact is key, and many viruses can hide in other parts of the
>> body that CS cannot reach. Lyme and Herpes are good examples of viruses
>> that can be kept in check by CS, but maybe never completely eradicated.
>> (Although, with CS taking burden off of your immune system, your immune
>> system can sometimes eradicate 'incurables' on its own. Cancer is a good
>> example of that.
>> In my opinion, the best solution for any problem or pathogen beyond the
>> reach of CS is the Beck Protocol. It uses a a zapping tool (Magnetic
>> pulser) to drive all pathogens into the blood stream, where CS can kill
>> them. Another zapping tool is used for blood electrification, which is even
>> more effective than CS at killing pathogens. CS and Ozonated water are part
>> of the protocol, along with the two tools. I cannot say enough good things
>> about those tools.
>> Victor
>> On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 7:05 AM, Nenah Sylver <> wrote:
>>>    This is a two part post. Part 1, I have information; Part 2, I have
>>> a question.
>>> Part 1 (Information). I will say this only once about the Natural
>>> Solutions Foundation. I have had some dealings with the doctor who is the
>>> head of the foundation, as well as her husband, who used to work for
>>> military intelligence. I won’t go into personal details, but there is other
>>> info. Please read these carefully:
>>> *
>>> <>*
>>> Note that Laibow is attempting to sell HER brand of silver, which she’s
>>> touting as the only silver capable of destroying the Ebola virus.
>>> Part 2 (Question). I use colloidal silver a lot, but am not sure that
>>> it’s capable of killing viruses, which get inside the body’s cells. Can
>>> anyone comment on this?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Nenah