I think they replaced the iodine in table salt with bromine or some such, for 
cheapness.  Large doses of vitamin C will negate iodine also, and vit C 
shouldn't be taken at the same time as vit c...dee

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> On 22 Oct 2014, at 02:18, phoenix23002 tds.net <phoenix23...@tds.net> wrote:
> Asif.. I have no clue as to the type of fluoride in Himalayan salt.
> The problem folks run into when first starting iodine therapy is that they 
> can experience detox symptoms as the
> iodine begins replacing fluoride, chlorine and bromide, halides that occupy 
> the iodine receptors on our cells.
> Now, iodine is as necessary to our bodies as B or C vitamins etc... and was 
> used extensively by doctors
> before the advent of antibiotics.  Iodine is 'taken up', preferentially, by 
> our thyroid first, then the sex organs,
> then the rest of our body. If too high a dose of iodine is ingested at first 
> or if one has tons of  toxic halides,
> it can overwhelm the liver and kidneys, organs that are working hard to expel 
> the toxins as the idodine
> displaces them.
> One takes the companion nutrients of Vit C, magnesium, selenium and Celtic or 
> Real Salt which help to
> open up the detox pathways.  Milk thistle for liver support is also used by 
> some.  My only detox symptoms
> (I have well water and rarely consume commercial bread products) were vague 
> headaches from time to
> time and extra salt took care of those in short order.
> So.. one starts off low and slow, alert to any detox symptoms, ready to back 
> down until those symptoms
> subside, then slowly increasing the dosage again.  So, it makes sense to 
> avoid those toxins when first
> starting iodine.
> The Japanese routinely consume 12 - 13 mg of iodine daily that they obtain 
> from their diet which is high in seafood
> and seaweed.  They have miniscule amts of cancer of the sex organs (breast, 
> uterine, ovarian, cervical, prostate etc)
> compared to those of us who consume the traditional Western diet.
> Something is going on in the US if you think about the explosion of thyroid 
> disorders and cancer that has
> happened over the last 40 yrs in spite of the advances in medical science.  
> Until the seventies, bread
> makers used iodine in commercial bread products (something to do with the 
> leavening process, I think)
> but then the government said no to iodine and bread makers starting using 
> bromide instead and there
> just isn't enough iodine in iodized salt to make much of a difference.    
> Lola H.
>> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 5:51 PM, Asif Nathekar <asifnathe...@hotmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Is the type and form of fluoride a factor or is any fluoride bad for those 
>> with thyroid problems undergoing iodine therapy.
>> Is this true for regular folk who are NOT undergoing thyroid issues.
>> also anyone know the type and form of fluoride in hamalayan salt... calcium 
>> fluoride??...
>> Cheers.
>> From: phoenix23002 tds.net
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 8:53 PM
>> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> Subject: Re: CS> Trace minerals
>> Not to put a damper on anyone's enthusiasm for Himalayan salt which I used 
>> for several years, it supposedly contains
>> fluoride.  I have a thyroid condition and started using iodine therapy.  
>> Fluoride is a member of the chemical family of
>> halides which competes for the same cell receptor sites as iodine (also a 
>> member of this chemical 'family') so had to find
>> another healthy salt.  Just a heads up.   Lola H.
>>> On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 11:47 PM, Victor Cozzetto 
>>> <victor.cozze...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I too recommend the pink Himalayan salt. If your sea salt does not have 
>>> some color, then it is probably not as healthy as you think.
>>> Victor
>>>> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 10:23 AM, TJ Garland <ironguard...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I like himalayan salt
>>>> "There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the 
>>>> shield of law and in the name of justice." —Charles de Montesquieu
>>>> On Oct 20, 2014, at 6:11 PM, Harold <har...@telus.net> wrote:
>>>> Re ASLraVens’ query re source of minerals; I use ConcenTrace,trace 
>>>> minerals from Trace Minerals Research.Their site is, 
>>>> www.traceminerals.com. Roy,Utah.
>>>> But I order the  product from iherb,$24.14 ,for 8 Fluid ounces,[low 
>>>> sodium].
>>>> Am satisfied with same.
>>>> Harold