I think that this probably my thinking Victor because although he has obviously 
done a lot of good using MMS, in some people the results could be bad, so as 
you say, I think personally that the risk outweighs the benefits for me.  I did 
know of someone who, a few years ago, insulted me roundly when I voiced a word 
of caution about MMS, who later almost apologised to me, because he had an 
extremely bad reaction to it...dee

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> On 1 Nov 2014, at 04:47, Victor Cozzetto <victor.cozze...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just noticed that none of my posts about MMS are in the archive; which 
> would explain why nobody was responding to me. (Not sure what the issue is 
> Mike, but luckily I still have all the emails in my outbox).
> I am not a chemist, but here is my opinion that I have shared with others in 
> the past:
> I am sure that MMS works for many people, and I do not doubt that it could 
> potentially cure almost anything. However, I cannot recommend it or use it 
> with what I currently know. Of course I am still ignorant, but here are some 
> of the reasons why I would not use it:
> 1. MMS can be dangerous. It can do direct damage to the body, interact with 
> other chemicals, drugs, etc. It is too unpredictable, and thus the risk is 
> simply too high for me.
> 2. To my knowledge, MMS cannot do anything that colloidal silver (CS) cannot 
> do, but CS has zero risk, is cheaper, predictable, and is guaranteed to be 
> effective. (of course levels of effectiveness vary, depending on the ailment)
> 3. MMS can also be compared to ozonated water (because it uses oxidizing 
> effects), but again, the ozonated water has zero risk, is cheaper, more 
> predictable, and is guaranteed to be effective.
> 4. MMS has the same limitations that both CS and ozonated water have - in 
> that they cannot directly target lymph, nervous systems, etc. However, CS and 
> ozonated water contribute directly to strengthening the immune system, and 
> thus have a direct impact on all health. MMS can potentially achieve this 
> too, but that is not certain, since it can act as a toxin, and thus have the 
> opposite effect.
> 5. I might sound too harsh, but I would compare MMS more to chemo. It isn't 
> of course, but it is a chemical that can have a toxic effect on the body. It 
> can have a very rapid impact, but I am not sure how good that is, since it is 
> purely a 'killing' action, and does not enhance the body's ability to repair. 
> Both CS and Ozone provide direct 'killing' and greatly enhance the body's 
> ability to defend and repair.
> 6. I would be afraid to use MMS with other treatments, since is it s chemical 
> that I am not familiar enough with. Thus, I cannot add it to the things I am 
> doing. CS and Ozonated water work great with a variety of other treatments 
> and protocols.
> 7. Perhaps the greatest single problem - MMS is often cited as causing gut 
> problems for people, and that is not good, since the gut is the heart of our 
> immune system. By contrast, CS has no negative impact on the gut, and is used 
> to treat various gut ailments. (CS is absorbed very rapidly in the gut, and 
> normal consumption of kefir, yogurt, fermented foods, etc. ensure that CS has 
> no negative impact on gut flora).
> Again, I wouldn't doubt that MMS can save lives in places where no other 
> options are available, but putting that energy into getting CS (or other 
> treatments) is a much better long-term solution IMHO.
> Victor