Hi Gail, this is the chap I was talking as out - Daddybob!  He was the guy who 
told me off when I advised caution with MMS but later admitted (to the list) 
that he had serious problems...dee

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> On 2 Nov 2014, at 19:02, Gail Naranjo <wanda85...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Jason & group,
> In the early years of MMS we all seemed to jump on the bandwagon.   Those of 
> us on various health/alternative lists I'm on anyway and we shared our 
> experience.  Remember Daddybob, he was a regular of many lists I visit.  
> Anyway his personality is the type to jump in and as he often said, 'get er 
> done'  He started having heart issues, and sorry I can't remember what they 
> were, but he attributed them to his MMS use.  Others wrote in complaining 
> about heart palpitation after starting the MMS as well.  It is something to 
> be aware of that is due attention.
> There was a guy on the MMS list I was on that differed with Jim about the 
> chemistry.   He did believe in the use of MMS but at a different 
> concentration.   I think that was his main difference.  It's been years since 
> this this happened so might not remember exactly how he differed.   Anyway, 
> some of the members on the list that were involved with the church were so 
> rude to him.  One guy even called him a pharmaceutical whore.   Sorry for the 
> language but wanted to give the direct quote.  Whether  this man was a 
> pharmaceutical rep or not, I do not know, but his behavior came across as 
> professional and polite, while the church members were blatantly rude, which 
> was a real turn off to me.  
> I really know nothing about chemistry and certainly am not a pharm rep, just 
> a person with a chronic illness trying to recover.   But I do know if you 
> have a viable, good product, it will sale itself.  One does not have to use 
> ill manner tactics to make a sale.
> I have also notice when someone does speak out with a different opinion 
> regarding the safety, effectiveness, or Jim himself, they are not received 
> graciously.  Not everybody frequenting these lists that speak out against it 
> are working for the enemy, which is usually the church response.   In fact, I 
> think most of us here are people trying to find answers for our health 
> problems, the majority are anyway.   And then some are also in some form of 
> alternative business promoting their business.
> Regarding Jim and his business:   Anybody who is in an alternative field must 
> abide by the law of the land.  People have been put in jail that I personally 
> don't think deserve to go to jail.   For their own protection, they better 
> abide by the law or get out.
> Speaking as a customer of many different alternative protocols, I want to 
> have the freedom to be able to try anything that I think might benefit me.  I 
> think if people would present their product with plain old manners and stop 
> the bickering, it would go a long way and we might be able to reach an 
> educated decision much sooner.
> Gail
> On Sunday, November 2, 2014 11:13 AM, Jason <ja...@eytonsearth.org> wrote:
> ...I agree Tony.  Jim was dead wrong when he developed his initial 
> protocols, and may tried to tell him so.  He not only ignored them, but 
> was quite belligerent, and he had absolutely no real training in 
> oxidative therapies.
> Then, of course, he changed his protocols, which are now much safer.
> In my opinion, ozone is more effective and certainly safer because the 
> exact concentrations that the body can safely tolerate are well 
> established by extensive research.
> ~Jason
> On 11/2/2014 9:47 AM, Tony Moody wrote:
> > Hallo AJR,
> >
> > Umm, Call me what you want. But most of my relevant credentials are 
> > alternate or
> > complementary healing of one sort or another.
> >
> > I tried MMS at the lowest dose and it made me sick as a dog and it took me 
> > at least 5 weeks
> > to get back to my normal self. There was absolutely no help at the time 
> > from the MMS group.
> > I was not the only one, there had already been several and there were many 
> > after me who
> > complained. We were all shut down and poo-pood and ignored. Then a few 
> > chemically
> > orientated people chimed in and pointed out what could be happening 
> > physiologically or
> > biologically. .. then Jim Humble changed his formulation to a much weaker 
> > solution or used a
> > different acid or something. I'd lost interest in the MMS and the deaf 
> > bigots surrounding the
> > concept.
> >
> --
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