All these posts are so interesting but scary! As I said before, it is easy to 
see where the filmmakers get their sci-fi 'monsters' from....dee 

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> On 22 Feb 2015, at 00:37, John Popelish <> wrote:
>> On 02/21/2015 03:53 PM, Sandra George wrote:
>> I have read that they are thinking that cancer can be
>> caused from a virus - I could debate this fact by
>> bringing the human emotions and lack of use of the mind
>> control as factors into this debate !!!!    If one is
>> inclined to use or learn how to control the mind, then
>> one is supposed to be able to avert anything that is of
>> negative value and exactly what is this in real terms ? I
>> leave you all to deliberate . . .  . .  . . . .
> A virus is a package of genetic code that inserts itself
> into a living cell, forcing that cell to manufacture copies
> of the code and the package it came in. Some virus types
> have been pretty conclusively demonstrated to insert their
> code into a cell's genetics in a way that can (depending on
> exactly where the insertions take place) convert a normal
> cell into a cancer cell. Human papilloma virus is one of
> these types. This is what the Gardasil immunization was
> designed to prevent.
> A wonderful and terrifying example of such a cancer is the
> new species of single celled animal called HeLa. It was
> extracted from a cancer that killed Henrieta Lacks, a half
> century ago, but lives on, in bio labs, around the world.
> Since its genetics are almost entirely human (with some
> virus code thrown in), its biochemistry is very similar to
> that of humans and this makes it extremely useful for
> medical research.
> -- 
> Regards,
> John Popelish
> --
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