Safe?  I dunno.  However, that’s what I use.
> On Jul 16, 2017, at 6:53 PM, PT Ferrance <> wrote:
> Thanks.  I'll try adding some DMSO.  Is it safe to put in an old Equate spray 
> bottle?
> PT
> From: Beth Toraason <>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 9:40 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Nebulizer and food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide
> I make my nasal spray with 90% home made CS and 10% DMSO.  It works well for 
> me.
> Beth T
>> On Jul 16, 2017, at 5:15 PM, Jean Baugh < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I used to have a cough so bad over several months that I could not complete 
>> a sentence without coughing.  What was it?  No idea but pharma didn’t have 
>> anything that was effective and yes, even went to a rut trained doctor.  I 
>> got dead serious at that point and used a battery operated palm sized Omron 
>> nebulizer, tried CS, strong saline solution, forget two more, and then…tried 
>> 3% food grade, hydrogen peroxide in the nebulizer.  My MO is to get to the 
>> point, so took a big deep breath and promptly lost my breath from coughing 
>> so hard.  When things got back to normal, had time to think about it and 
>> took small shallow breaths but inhaling deeply, over a period of about a 
>> week.  What ever that was, went away and never came back.  I’m pretty sure 
>> it cured just about everything but people need to do their own research.
>> Of course Wikipedia and Snopes are always handy if you want pharma’s take 
>> about using alternatives.
>> Jean
>> ****************
>>> I also need a really good nasal spray.  CS alone just doesn't do it!
>>> Thanks.
>>> Blessings, PT