Well, I hope all of you hang around this local reality for quite a while
yet ;-)
Those numbers are indeed what is reported Ron, from the WHO. The funny
thing is, they already look ridiculous, and the REAL truth is that even
those numbers are probably a 100 fold exaggeration!! 30K or 20K is
absolutely meaningless when seen in context, and again, even that number is
exaggerated. If you look at how testing is done you begin to see how
meaningless it is. Search for stuff on Dr. Cowan to get some good insight.
Or, how about the fact that people are now posting videos of the empty
hospitals (even in NYC) to show how fake the news is. The lunacy is
endless... but perhaps the people are rising up... at least a tiny tiny


On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 11:24 AM Ron <ron....@gmail.com> wrote:

> You are right of course, Victor, but does anybody believe anything from
> the CDC or the WHO? I don't.
> I wonder how accurate this is. Looks close.
> https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
> Ron
> On 3/31/2020 4:52 AM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:
> I tend to agree with Deborah. For example, this COVID19 thing is a total
> joke, and yet I have highly educated, well meaning people telling me that
> thousands of people are dying every day, or that a person is dying every 17
> minutes, or some other ridiculous number. When I correct their numbers or
> context - "No, actually, less than 2K have died in the entire country" or
> "Well, one or two people die every minute from the flu" they respond with
> disbelief. Only after finally seeing the numbers that I present to them
> from the WHO and CDC, do they get a grip on the reality.... and then they
> get home and get bombarded again with nonsense, and the next day they are
> back to square one. The funny thing is that the numbers are right there in
> front of them... insanely insignificant, AND - those numbers are likely
> exaggerated 100 fold! (Yes, 99% of the reported deaths are likely NOT from
> COVID19). All these numbers/references are in my COVID19 YouTube video.
> The brain washing never stops, so any truth that does take hold is washed
> away very quickly - even more so when concerning CS/EIS. The real truth
> seekers will find us here eventually, where they can reinforce the truth.
> If they require a "study" to convince them, then they are hopeless, as
> 'studies' are just another construct of the matrix ;-)
> It took me maybe 5 or 10 years before I found lists like this... and that
> was about 15 years ago, or maybe more. It certainly wasn't any studies that
> influenced me.
> Sorry for the rant. Hope it helped or entertained ;-)
> Victor
> *************************
> Victor F. Cozzetto
> Wise Traditions Nutritionist
> U.S.: (516) 908-1039
> www.Vitagenics.net <http://www.vitagenics.net/>
> YouTube Channel <https://www.youtube.com/victorcozzetto/>
> *************************
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 4:09 AM Deborah Gerard <devorah...@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
>> That highly placed official will without a doubt trust only in the
>> medical establishment and their vile wares in fact the FDA has come out
>> against colloidal silver, because it works and cuts into the profit margins
>> of Big pharmacy. So you would be wasting your time.
>> On Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 03:37:06 AM EDT, Reid Harvey <
>> reidharvey7...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Greetings All,  Let's imagine there is some highly placed official who is
>> a truth seeker and sufficiently open-minded to be convinced about CS.  How
>> small and organized a study would there be that would justify others to be
>> similarly open-minded to a more convincing study?
>> We need to take courage and be visionary that the skepticism can be
>> overcome.  There are those out there who realize that the stakes are high.
>> Whatever thoughts any here may have would be appreciated. We as a people
>> can still lead.