Sorry, I thought the purpose of a colloidal silver discussion forum was
for discussions on colloidal silver.

On 4/18/2021 3:37 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:
Why don't you read about it on the website!

On Sunday, April 18, 2021, 12:44:26 PM EDT, JD <> wrote:


OK, thanks.  You mentioned one dose as a barrier. Does that mean you
recommend taking the BS before the EIS 1 time, and then taking
straight EIS?  Or, do you continue with the BS/EIS combination for
every dose until the infection is gone?


On 4/18/2021 7:34 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:
The exact ratio isn't important..just gotta neutralize the acid and
absorb the salt that results and wait a little 'while' for the thirst
part to kick in.
It's knocked out EVERYTHING I've thrown it at..eye socket
infection...inner ear infection...feeling a bit off, might be coming
down with something..all gone by morning.
toenail fungus..takes a lot longer but one dose seems to put a barrier
layer in there.

On Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 3:25 AM Kirsteen Wright
< <>>

    I'm sure Ode will reply when he sees this but I remember this, I
    made a note of it. It was a quarter to a half teaspoon of baking
    soda in half a cup water. Drink, wait a few minutes then drink
    about a cup of EIS. Repeat now and then.

    It was originally talking about urine infections and I've used it
    very successfully for those but I'm sure it would help other
    things as well,


    On Sun, 18 Apr 2021, 06:07 JD, <
    <>> wrote:

        Hi Ode,

        In past, I recall you mentioning using baking soda before
        taking EIS
        from the Silver Puppy.  I was wondering the specifics.

        1) How much baking soda to take mixed with how much water?

        2) How long to wait before taking EIS?

        Thank you

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