Just do the list continues! I don't know that much about cs and it helps me a 
good deal!

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  On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 10:26 PM, Rowena<new...@internode.on.net> wrote:    
 I enjoy it all, and am so happy when I see some  of the old names from long 
ago. Also pleased to see newer names.
The silver list was the first health discussion group I joined when we went on 
line over 20 years ago. Some names disappeared, others stayed quiet. I'm quiet, 
all i could contribute are thanks to the people who are active. And I save a 
lot of time busybodying on line when people post the gossip, the rumours. 
Because I thought I was soon going to be unable to conduct any kind of mail I 
closed down my groups to save family some trouble one day, but couldn't  bear 
to leave the Silver List. But I got better, and enjoy it all.
I am so grateful when people mention various remedies, as I forget them  
otherwise. I loved the info about bicarb and CS too, and have a little jar 
mixed up ready. .
It's unbelievable to me how much I forget so quickly. Thanks to those who 
repeat themselves and other people. 
For anyone looking for a little extra, please investigate LDN Low Dose 
Naltrexone. The yahoo LDN discussion groups have gone to Facebook which I don't 
do, but it is astonishing how many different problems are being helped with 
this oldish drug used in tiny quantities. I'll post some links. I follow the 
protocol used by cancer specialist Prof Angus Dalgleish of St George's 
Hospital, London, three days on and three days off, with CBD on the off days as 
a protocol for cancer, but there are also experienced practitiosilners in 
Canada and America, arising out of  research conducted over the past quarter 
century, Bihari being a notable name to research.  On YouTube too. 
I'll leave it here, but will post some links in due course. 
Love to you all.
Rowena Down under
Oh, I meant to tell Aussies ages ago that I was wrong when I mentioned Sutton's 
CS; I was surprised to find they use Dalyellup spring water not distilled 
water. And bringing distilled water home is a breeze since Refresh of Perth 
started selling 5 litre containers, I get mine from Woolworths.

https://ldnresearchtrust.org/how-naltrexone-works               Links at bottom 
of page.
LDN is most commonly being used for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, multiple 
sclerosis, myalgic encephalopathy, autoimmune thyroid diseases, and various 
cancers. Many autoimmune diseases seem to respond to LDN.

Levo-Naltrexone is an antagonist for the opiate/endorphin receptors  
   - This causes increased endorphin release
   - Increased endorphins modulate the immune response
   - This reduces the speed of unwanted cells growing. Dextro-Naltrexone is an 
antagonist for at least one, if not more immune cells
   - Antagonises “TLR,” suppressing cytokine modulated immune system
   - Antagonises TLR-mediated production of NF-kB – reducing inflammation, 
potentially downregulating oncogenes
Taking Naltrexone in larger doses of 50-300mg seems to negate the 
immunomodulatory effect by overwhelming the receptors, so for the effect to 
work, the dose must be in the range of 0.5-10mg, usually maxing at 4.5mg in 
clinical experience.