Wayne, please clarify on your comment that CS is not a medicine.
Is this merely samantics? I took some for a bad cough of 2
months' duration (probably mold/fungus kinda thing) and I was
cured within 3 hours. Surely that was used medicinally.
Isn't the purpose the deciding factor?
It can be a preventive, a cleanser, a biocide, a medicine,
a supplement ...etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fugitt [mailto:wa...@fugitt.com]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 9:59 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Generators and Methods

Morning Dean,

 >> You're treating CS as if it were a medicine.  It's not.

    Thanks for making that so clear.   Generally, I think as you do, but
still like to see other peoples methods.

I have been using CS for about two years.  In my realm of friends and
enemies, we have over 100 people locally using it.   I think many of them
are still confused as to the best methods for use.

Honestly, I am still a bit confused on the absolute best way to make CS.  I
have made it with several generators,
and a variety of voltages from batteries.

The highest voltage I have used is 75 Volts DC.  The longest time interval
has been 4 hours, but not with the
75 VDC.

I would be interested  what others consider the very best generator, time
intervals, ppm,  use of saline, ect.


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