I have sufficient resolve to use CS and I see nothing in the message
below regarding new applications for CS.  If I need more information
regarding political viewpoints, there are sites devoted specifically to
that.  I come here for exactly what you mentioned...to find out more
about applications for CS.  

The message below says nothing about that, but it does give the author
an opportunity to express admiration for Gloria "Steinham" and disdain
for George Bush.  I'm not interested in that, and wouldn't be if she
despised "Steinham" and adored George Bush.  There must be a better
place for armchair philosophers to ply their trade.


-----Original Message-----
From: Garnet [mailto:garnetri...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 7:31 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Misinformation -- Spider bites etc...

I enjoy the commentary. It increases my awareness and my resolve in
using and finding new applications for CS.


On Fri, 2004-05-14 at 21:20, Terry wrote:
> Specific information regarding CS, devoid of political commentary, 
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Terry
>         -----Original Message-----
>         From: Christine Carleton [mailto:essential-liv...@telus.net] 
>         Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 6:48 PM
>         To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>         Subject: Re: CS>Misinformation -- Spider bites etc...
>         Wayne,
>         Glad your alive!  Without people like you to point out the
>         manipulation creating an illusion, what would we do?  Do we
>         need new language?  Gloria Steinham has said that as we
>         evolve, we have to create new language to embrace our new
>         conscious awareness.
>         What would be a new word for ORGANIC? now that it's
>         bastardised by the government and political interests?
>         What would be a new word for SCIENTIFIC STUDY? - so people
>         know it's a pharmaceutical study - that it is NOT an objective
>         scientific study including input from many modalities. Why
>         can't we name it what it is?
>         I understand less than 50% of the new medical students are
>         doing allopathic studies... they will need new language...
>         Who's creative?  Who has some Latin or Greek?  Heck, we are a
>         'Global Village' --- Marshall McLehuan .  German, French,
>         Australian, Cantonese, Spanish, Italian, whatever language(s)
>         that have a flavour to describe would be great...
>         These things are 'catchy' and never die - like the French
>         cannot rid the Americanisation of their language > hot dog,
>         hamburger, etc.  Regardless of what the officials in charge of
>         the language try to do a hot dog is a hot dog in Paris ...  or
>         good things like 'sen5es' which everyone understands...
>         Everyone is doing it...  BuSh is good at it - Freedom used to
>         have a different meaning ---  Perhaps we can do too...
>         Anti- biotic is good - says what it is:  anti=against
>         biotic=life
>         Who out there is brilliant with words?
>         It has been said that it's better to make a new model than
>         fight the existing system.  With the net, new words spread
>         like wildfire... especially jokes - some are contagious...  In
>         fact, think about it, this might save lives...
>         Ideas???
>         CC
>                 From: Wayne Fugitt <wfug...@direcway.com>
>                 Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>                 Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 20:08:18 -0500
>                 Subject: CS>Spider Bite Misinformation
>                 This is a classic example of what I mean by "Worthless
>                 Mainstream Medical Sites".
>                 If I had read this, believed it, and done it, I might
>                 have been a ghost by now.
>                 Read the last item !   No scientific Studies ??   At
>                 one time, all treatments were based on
>                 What Works, and What Don't.
>                 Some evil genius introduced the "Scientific Study"  to
>                 corrupt and criminal-ize the medical system.
>                 They were very successful.  By doing this, they
>                 eliminated 90% of all proven treatments.
>                 Don't think for one minute I am making this up, or it
>                 is simply my biased opinion.  In recent years,
>                 criminal charges have resulted from intentionally
>                 warped results of some tests and studies of specific
>                 drugs.
>                 Wayne
>                 Here is the source...:
>                 http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/10729-6.asp
<http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/10729-6.asp%A0%A0>  There may
be some truth on 
>                 that site.  Care and Caution is the word.
>                 ====================
>                 Brown Recluse Spider Bite
>                 Treatment
>                 |Self-Care at Home|
>                 Home first aid care is simple. 
>                       * Do these techniques: 
>                               * Apply ice to decrease pain and
>                                 swelling. 
>                               * Elevate area if possible above the
>                                 level of your heart. 
>                               * Wash the area thoroughly with cool
>                                 water and mild soap. 
>                               * Avoid any strenuous activity because
>                                 this can spread the spider’s venom in
>                                 your skin. 
>                               * Use ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve
>                                 or Naprosyn), or other
>                                 anti-inflammatories for pain relief. 
>                         Don’t do these techniques: 
>                               * Do not place any heat to the area.
>                                 This will accelerate tissue
>                                 destruction. 
>                               * Do not apply any steroid creams to the
>                                 area such as hydrocortisone cream. 
>                               * Do not attempt to remove the spider
>                                 venom with suction devices or cut out
>                                 the affected tissue. 
>                               * Do not apply electricity to the area.
>                                 Anecdotal reports of high voltage
>                                 electrotherapy from common stun guns
>                                 have never been shown to be effective
>                                 in any scientific studies. This can
>                                 also cause secondary burns and deepen
>                                 tissue destruction.
>                 ______________________________________________________
>         ---
>         Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
>         Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
>         Version: 6.0.683 / Virus Database: 445 - Release Date:
>         5/12/2004
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.683 / Virus Database: 445 - Release Date: 5/12/2004

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