Hi Garnet, sorry about the tardy reply to your posting - been a bit hectic
around here lately.
As you suggest I'll make a saturated solution with urea and distilled water
then add 10% to some DMSO and do the nose test.
Will keep you informed.

Cheers,  Roger

on 26/9/2004 7:09 AM, Garnet at garnetri...@earthlink.net wrote:

Dr Jacob's did not say if it 10% by volume or weight, but I would just
get in the ball park and see if it works. Can't hurt you, as urea is in
many hand lotions and cosmetics as a moisturizing, and probably
anti-bacterial ingredient.

By volume you would need to rehydrate the urea to some standard
solution, not sure how much that would be. If you want to go this way
try dissolving it in a cup of water until no more will dissolve. Use 1
part of this to 9 parts dilute DMSO. Dilute the DMSO to 50% first, use
CS if you like or just distilled water.

By weight dilute DMSO to 50%, weigh it or assume it is one gram per ml,
since water is. Take say a liter, 1000 ml, that would weigh 1000 gms.
Ten percent by weight would call for 100 grams of urea, which you could
weigh on a good food scale. (Target has a good digital for $20).

www.jacoblab.com product with urea is 50% DMSO, if I am remembering
correctly. You are starting with 99.9% so basically need to cut this in
half if you are trying to replicate his formula.


On Sat, 2004-09-25 at 00:53, Roger Barker wrote:
I've got 99.9% DMSO and plenty of clean urea. If anyone would care to offer
suggestions/mixings or ideas re testing for odour removal I'll give it a try
during the following week.

Cheers,  Roger

on 20/9/2004 9:09 AM, Garnet at garnetri...@earthlink.net wrote:

I am curious if one could add their own urea to the vet grade stuff.
Urea is available as a feed product for cattle. You might have to buy
50# though! Search for Tri Medica's site, they sell urea and maybe they
sell it in smaller quantity. Jacob Lab's low odor topical liquid is 10%
