At 07:06 AM 07/02/05, Betsy wrote:
A question for himagain- I agree that many supplements
are stressful to the body but I do think it is hard to
get what you need in food the way that it is
processed-even good food is lacking due to soil
depletion etc.
The question that I have regards the collodial
minerals that the tape you suggested recommends. I
wanted to know if you take this mineral supplement and
have you had luck with it? I keep hearing how
collodial minerals have heavy metals in them.
Hi Betsy,
"Supplements" are a minefield. I just received a rave review from someone here in Oz about a "miracle" supplement. It even admits on the label that it contains Aspartame- not even one of the 90-odd "cover-names" for it. Like all those miracle diet pills that really, really work: All you do is take 3 per day at $5 each and viola! (sic) ........ Oh, and by the way you must follow a calorie-controlled diet and exercise plan in conjunction with the program or it won't work.......... :-)

Sure I take "supplements" every day four times. They are called "Sprouts". Cost about 20 cents per kilo and are made following the Original Maker's methods ( Often called God or gods). Cheapest most effective supplements in the world. Caveat: You must use real unadulterated water in sprouting the seeds and of course, they must be "heritage" seeds not Monsantomonsters.

The only other thing that is super-effective for people with the multiple symptoms called allergies, MS, Cystic Fibrosis, Lyme, CFS, Cancer etc., is to learn to defecate and ( females) urinate "primitive" style, squatting, not sitting. People with modern-diet-destroyed digestive systems can get relief immediately.

A simple trick is to make a sturdy box about half the height of the toilet bowl, add a hand-rail to the wall for comfort ( sick people fear getting dizzy and falling down a lot, so they do ) in order to be able to squat like those Africans you see in the National Geographic, who never sit down Western style. ( Notice how hard it is to "teach"/force babies to do it "properly"? Left alone they will do it.... naturally.)

But no recovery is ever really possible without the right food. Perhaps even more importantly - stopping eating the toxic junk we replaced food with in the last 100 years.

Ever noticed how babies try and refuse ALL the junk forced down their little throats? Children who don't want to "eat it ALL up"? Simply going back to the amounts of food that were normally eaten 100 years ago by people who REALLY walked and worked can work miracles. ( About 25% to 33% of what you eat now)

So it is all easy to fix, IF you stay away from the toxic stuff and "Already Dying Doctors"

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