You might try Neem powder.  It's anti-fungal.

Betsy Coffey <> wrote:
Thanks Jim for your reply. I will do the research.
Pardon my typos. I meant to say what for when and it
for is . I knew that it was closely related to
syphilis and was sure that it was a bacteria. So much
more to know as they keep doing research. I have a
question for anyone that can answer.
For scalp infections that are fungal related, would
putting cs directly on the scalp help? The only
treatment is an oral antifungal for 6 weeks.I could
not tolerate this as I am already ill and medications
make me sick. I have tried tea tree oil to no avail.
Nizerol shampoo has helped somewhat but does not cure
this and I have been losing hair.
I wanted to comment on laetrile-isnt this apricot seed
derivitive? I know that this was used as a cancer
treatment (alternative) years ago but I had not heard
much about it lately. Last week I saw apricot seeds in
a local health food store and it said to be used with
caution. I was wondering if anyone has ever used them
or purchased them at a health food store. I have been
in many health food stores and have never seen them
before. I was also wondering why they are to be used
with caution. 

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