Hello fello sufferer:

I am quite certain your symptoms could be handled by the Nambudripad Allergy 
Elimination Technique, NAET for short.  I am a patient at the main clinic in 
Buena Park, California, and as such have witnessed for myself the remarkable 
results they achieve.  I have also taken the practitioner training classes to 
enable me to treat myself.  (Mike Devour--I don't charge money when I treat 
using this method, so I am not promoting anything I have a financial interest 
 During my visits to their clinic, and the training seminars, there has been 
much discussion about the efficacy of NAET with fibromyalgia, as well as many 
other maladies.  To the NAET practitioner, an allergy is a substance that is 
ingested, injected, inhaled or touched that causes a blockage in the energy 
meridians of the body.  In the process of treatment the allergen is discovered 
through muscle testing and computer analysis, and unblocked using chiropractic 
and acupuncture techniques.  I have talked with many patients while waiting for 
my own treatments; they have relayed how they had very bad problems with 
fibromyalgia, but no longer have any of the symptoms.

If you decide to check out this approach, you would need to find a 
practitioner near you who has taken the training.  Go to www.naet.com to locate 
Also, you can call them at (714) 523-8900 during their office hours, which are 
most Mondays until 2 p.m., Wednesdays from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., Fridays until 2 
p.m. and some Saturdays during the day.  Inquire about a practitioner who has 
taken a large number of the classes and has been practicing a long while, and 
who also does acupuncture instead of just acupressure, as this seems to be more 
effective.  If you decide to give this treatment a try, you will be looking at 
an introductory session which includes medical history, computer allergy 
testing and actual treatment for around $150, and then around $70 for 
treatments.  You need to do a series of 15 basic treatments before approaching 
the cause/causes of your symptoms.  How much more treatment you would need 
depends on your own situation.  For persons with many serious allergies this 
would be a long-term treatment to become cleared of the allergies, but to treat 
the fibromyalgia could be accomplished relatively quickly after the basic 

I, too, have gone the route of going from one doctor to another, with nothing 
working, and being told conflicting information, and given treatments which 
do not work and are often harmful.  I conclude that often the allopathic 
approach does not work well, and is often harmful.  If you do undergo the NAET 
treatment, I promise you you will be very satisfied, and even astounded.

A word of caution:  The practitioner who treats me in the main Buena Park 
office in California is the best, and has had 30 years practice and training.  
Sometimes the other practitioners can't solve the more difficult problems, and 
in a few cases they are ineffective.  If you live far away from the southern 
California clinic, one option would be (and this is what I would do if I were 
you, knowing what I know now) to come for an introductory treatment, and some 
number of treatments following that, scheduled up to four times a week, and 
return to your area to a recommended NAET practitioner, but continuing to 
check with the home office or visit them to make sure the treatments given in 
your area actually being done effectively.  If they are done correctly, THEY 

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to e-mail me personally at:


(Please give a recognizable subject header so I don't think the e-mail is 
just spam.)  

Wishing you the best,
