Someone recently provided a link to an article from the U. of Texas. This article states that some mycoplasma are commensal, that is, they normally reside in the human body.

That essay is worth reading -- highly informative!

NB that beta amaloid protein, implicated in Alzheimer's disease, is found in normal, healthy humans, and plays some role in our metabolism. Why it goes awry in some persons is not known.

One last thing: there has been some discussion here recently about aluminum. From education I garnered on this list, it occurs to me that even though aluminum is plentiful in nature, it may be that man-made compounds, such as the aluminum chlorhydrate found in some deodorants, has a toxic effect that the "natural" element does not have.

We listers know that EIS is generally non-toxic and harmless, whereas various compounds, particularly silver nitrate, are toxic. The same may be true of aluminum. I do not know exactly what form of aluminum is found in the brains of deceased patients, but it might be worth knowing this detail.


On Tuesday, Dec 6, 2005, at 21:28 Asia/Tokyo, Ernie Patai wrote:

Mycoplasma isn't something that should be in the body.

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