Hello All,

I have attached a series of patches to the 2006-12-08 release.

The largest one is "optionhandling.diff", which is a pretty serious and
invasive overhaul of the SIPp option handling.  Instead of adding an
additional "if" statement for each option, a table entry is added.  Each
table entry contains:
(1) The name of the option.  For example: "m"
(2) Help text.  For example: "Stop the test and exit when 'calls' calls are
processed"  The help function will automatically word-wrap the text to 80
characters, and handles a single level of bullets using a "-" sign.
(3) The type.  For example: SIPP_OPTION_INT
(4) A pointer: For example: &stop_after.
The hope is that this will make the code cleaner, and ensure that help text
always gets updated when a new option is introduced.

- retransoption.diff
      This adds the ability to specify the maximum retransmission for invites
      and non-invite messages.
      Count messages before actions are performed.
      Use get_ functions for numbers in the scenario, so that more invalid
      scenarios will be caught.
      Use a table driven option parsing architecture.  This makes it easier
      to add new options, and should increase error handling of invalid
      options.  Also use the option table to automatically generate the help


Dr. Charles P. Wright

(See attached file: sipp-patches-2006-12-08-ibm1.tar.gz)

Attachment: sipp-patches-2006-12-08-ibm1.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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