Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
I think we need a little plan of action. (of course, since I'm not an active committer, I don't get to vote, but at least I'll share some of my experience in these things).

new generation number

From a user perspective, Slide appeared dead for too long. Doing a release with a 2.0 number will give the impression that things are changing on this regard and it's a thing that people will like, even if the architecture hasn't changed.

This is what everybody thought, right?

bad marketing -------------

I believe Slide has currently a major bug in its own self-marketing: no matter how you look at it, Slide is *NOT* a content management system. Probably Remy (or Yassaf/Keith/Ismael don't know who came up with this) didn't know what a content management system was, but one thing is for sure: Slide is a content repository not a content management system.

Citing from

The Slide project main module is a Content Management and Integration
System, which can be seen as a low-level content management
framework. Conceptually, it provides a hierarchical organization of
binary content which can be stored into arbitrary, heterogenous,
distributed data stores. In addition, Slide integrates security,
locking, versioning, as well as many other services.

Summary: "Slide is a low-level content management framework". Doesn't that fit your impression.

A CMS includes things like content authoring, content auditing, workflow management, presentation logic, *and* content repositories. The repository is only a (critical! important! vital!) piece of the CMS puzzle, but it's foolish to consider a content repository enough to implement a serious CMS.

I think it's vital, for the success of a project, not to fool around with its own marketing.

I would like to invite this community to discuss the "remarketing" of slide and propose "retargetting" of the project.

[note: this will also make it easier to market Slide as the reference implementation of the JSR-170 in the future. FYI: I am the ASF representative for JSR-170 in the expert group]

As I said, I can not see where Slide claims to be a full featured CMS...

solidification --------------

users that checkout the code for the first time, have a hard time understanding what parts of the code are maintained and what are not. I would like to propose a few things here:


2) separation of the life code from the dead one. For this, the suggestion is the creation of a "/scratchpad" folder in the root of the jakarta-slide CVS module and place all dead code there. Alternatively, it's possible to use the existing "/proposal" folder. Candidates for dead code consideration are:

  a) the unmaintained stores
  b) the GUI for the webdav client

I have set up an attic section where dead code can be moved to (and of course moved back if it comes to life again for whatever reason). Currently, it is empty...

build process

I think users should be able to do

 cvs co jakarta-slide

and get it running. The required (non-optional) jars should be included in the download or fetched by the build script from jar repositories (the only problem seems to be JTA which is under the Sun license, so we can't put it in CVS, but the Geronimo guys already reimplemented it under the apache license, so we can use that).

As I said in another post: What should be the result of such a build? Slide is not standalone, which probably is on of the reasons it is no top level project. I agree (and I suppose many people agree as well) it is desirable to have an alternative to the Tomcat environment, but I have no idea what it may look like.


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