I see the point. But adding InsufficientStorageException the the
ContentInterceptor interface would make a lot of changes necessary
in ContentImpl, in Content etc. ...

Would be good if we find a simpler may. May be you should try not to
use the Interceptor but an event listener (see DetailedWebdavListener
that gets events similar to ContentIntercetor). This is closer to the
WebDAV layer and so its easyer to get the exceptions in to WebDAV response


Thomas Bellembois wrote:


I have read on the mailing list that in 2001 somebody started to develop Slide quota based on Interceptors, but apparently that development was not completed (do you know why ?).
Is there somewhere a sample of code about this work ?

A technical question :
A class "InsufficientStorageException" exists but is never used. To be compliant with the "draft-ietf-webdav-quota-06" I would need to throw this kind of exception in some classes in my Interceptor. Is there a reason for this absence ? Would it be possible to modify the interface "ContentInterceptor" to include it ?

Thank you.


Stefan Lützkendorf  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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