Make sure your webapp is requiring users to authenticate. Check the
bottom of the web.xml file, it should be fairly obvious... (I think)


On Mon, 2004-12-20 at 05:15 -0800, EngR H wrote:
> Hello there,
> Am using Slide WCK on OC4J, and intend to use JAAS authentication, I used the 
> bulid.xml to generate the slide.war, and added the WCK jar to the lib 
> directory of my OC4J. every thing worx fine and the webdav is working on my 
> CMS. the problem is that am not prompted with the authentication dialog when 
> accessing the webdav server! although i didn't comment the security entries 
> in web.xml as mentioned here . 
> is there any thing i should configure for an app. server to use JAAS for 
> slide app. or just deploying the war file as I did??
> Thanx in advance
> Rony!
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