Just to elaborate (you've all probably figured this out by now), the
JNDIPrincipalStore actually *searches* your LDAP server for
users/groups. The configuration settings you give describe the search
parameters. The deciding factor on performance is how many results are
returned by the search. If you have a lot of users/groups Slide will
take a long time to start. It takes about a minute for me with 28,000
user accounts.


On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 09:48 +0000, Miguel Figueiredo wrote:
> Hello Jacob,
>  The JNDIStore does not look for anything here. The configuration u give to
> her, tells her 'what is what, and where is it' ... Hmmm, with others words,
> the configuration tells the LDAP/Active Directory server what kind of
> objects she is looking for, and where she expects to be found. When you
> start configuring it, you will get more insightful regarding this statement.
>  When the JNDIStore asks something to the server, it asks by means of a bind
> request, and the server shall have the responsibility to find objects, in
> the configured places, that match the bind request. 'Modus Operandis' of the
> LDAP or Active Directory is exactly the same regarding the bind operation,
> the difference comes in the schemas they offer: standard schemas with LDAP,
> proprietary but standard-based schema on Active Directory (M$ strikes again
> :P ).
>  Also, as you correctly stated, most companies split users and groups in
> several OUs. I'm glad to report that the JNDIStore is generic enough to
> adapt it's configuration to any deployment choices (at least we did not
> found any trouble in its configuration until now).
> Hope this helps,
> Miguel Figueiredo
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jacob Lund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: segunda-feira, 28 de Fevereiro de 2005 8:46
> To: Slide Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: LDAP Connection Error
> Well - you mentioned exactly what I have been wondering about!
> Most companies split users and groups in several OUs (Organizational units).
> Can the JNDIStore search through the AD and fetch all users and groups, also
> how will that affect the performance?
> I have an AD with several OU ready for testing, but I have not had the time 
> to look into this deeper yet!
> /jacob
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "John Gilbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Slide Users Mailing List" <slide-user@jakarta.apache.org>; "Slide Users
> Mailing List" <slide-user@jakarta.apache.org>
> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 4:14 PM
> Subject: RE: LDAP Connection Error
> There isn't much to say. I just follow the instructions I found in the 
> comment block of the source code and the postings to the user group. There 
> was nothing too special for AD.
> Here is a link to a posting by James Mason.
> http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/jakarta-slide/src/conf/webapp/JNDI-Domain.
> xml?rev=1.2&view=auto
> I did have to play with the jndi.attributes.groupmemberset and 
> jndi.search.filter settings settings.
> Just use any old ldap browser to browse the schema.
> One thing I have found is that AD admins seem to like spreading their groups
> and people around in the tree, instead of having a single people root and a 
> single groups root. I don't think the JNDIPrincipalStore handles this case, 
> but I didn't have time to test it thoroughly. It might have to do with the 
> jndi.search.scope setting.
> Also having the passwords in cleartext has been a battle.
> ________________________________
> From: Jacob Lund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Fri 2/25/2005 5:53 AM
> To: Slide Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: LDAP Connection Error
> Hi John!
> I would like to create a Wiki on how to integrate slide with an AD!
> Would you mind sharing your configuration of the JNDIPrincipalStore, realm
> and other experiences on this integration?
> Thanks
> /Jacob
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Gilbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Slide Users Mailing List" <slide-user@jakarta.apache.org>
> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 4:33 PM
> Subject: LDAP Connection Error
> I am using the JNDIPrincipalStore to connect to Active Directory to
> retrieve Users and Roles. Everything works fine for a while.
> Then it eventually gets a connection error and I have to restart the
> Slide war. I have several other applications connecting to the same
> Active Directory instance and they are not experiencing any problems or
> may be they are handling the error and reconnecting automatically.
> Has anyone had this problem?
> Is the JNDIPrincipalStore supposed to gracefully reconnect? There is
> nothing for this in the code. Is this handled by the framework?
> Thanks
> John
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