Like I showed in my original response to this thread, everything is defined
on a single line: path, executable file, License ID, authentication code,
and "persistence":

m:\imail\declude\tpa\sniffer\LicenseID.exe AuthCode persistent

This is no different than if you execute the Sniffer persistence from a
command prompt, it is all done on a single line as shown above.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Schmidt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 11:04 AM
Subject: RE: [sniffer] Your Sniffer Setup

Hi Bill,

Thanks. That's curious. I'm not at all doubting your experiences - I'm just
trying to reconcile the KB article (which says to ONLY define the path,
program name and extension) with the Sniffer documentation (which says, you
must define the "persistent" option and your authorization code).

Somewhere documentation and your experience does not match - so (for my
better understanding, and for providing proper instructions to others), I'm
trying to figure out what is actually correct

If based on that knowledge base article all you've defined is:

        Value Name: Application
      Data Type : REG_SZ
      String : <path>\<application.ext>



then where/how did you define your authorization code and the "persistent"

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

H&M Systems Software, Inc.
600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 203
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458-1846

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:    +1 201 934-9206

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Landry William
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 01:23 PM
Subject: RE: [sniffer] Your Sniffer Setup

Andy, these simplified instructions work just fine with Sniffer, as I can
certainly attest.


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