

That's why the enhanced version of your script (which properly supports
Sniffer's ability to keep the rulebase and the workspace in subfolders!)
that I sent you checks for CURL success AND for an existing file.


curl http://www.sortmonster.net/Sniffer/Updates/%LICENSE_ID%.snf -s -R -f -o
--compressed -u sniffer:ki11sp8m -D %SNIFFER_PATH%\curlhdr.txt


if not exist %RULEBASE_PATH%\%LICENSE_ID%.new goto CLEANUP




>> goto DONE<<


I recommend you go to "Cleanup" - where the .LCK file will be cleaned up if
it exists.


Best Regards,



From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:snif...@sortmonster.com] On Behalf
Of Pete McNeil
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 7:59 AM
To: Message Sniffer Community
Subject: [sniffer] Re: DST update problem - server changes


David Moore wrote: 

I to have the same problem I have reverted back to the old script. (We are
windows based)


Shawn wrote: 



I upgraded to the latest getRulebase file and followed the instructions, but
now all I see on my windows system (DST) is the following:   (I replaced my
license ID # with xxxxxxxx)



snf2check: xxxxxxxx.new ERROR_RULE_FILE!

        1 file(s) copied.R:2349772 [0/12 - 0] W:0 C:0 B:0 T:0 S:0

snf2check: xxxxxxxx.new ERROR_RULE_FILE!

1 file(s) copied.R:2349772 [0/12 - 0] W:0 C:0 B:0 T:0 S:0


This is most likely NOT a problem -- 

This happens when the update script runs and the file on the server is not
newer than the file on your system. CURL will refuse to download the file
and then snf2check produces an ERROR_RULE_FILE! error because it cannot find
the new rulebase file it is looking for.

We are reworking the script to include line to test for this and exit the
script instead of producing the error.

You can add the following line just before the snf2check.exe line:

if not exist %LICENSE_ID%.new goto DONE

In this case the ERROR_RULE_FILE error itself is harmless.


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