Charlie less drum diameter will lead to more line breaks. Since you have more torque you can now crank more turns in and break the line easier. It does lead to excellent power for those that know how to use them. I have a smaller drum diameter on my FLS and it is more powerfull than most.
It is power management.
If I use my F3b winch in wind with a 2 or 2.5 drum the motor bogs down and there is no danger of blowing a line. If I switch to my 1.5 I can blow the line... you can hear the popping of the line and know when it is about to blow. If I use light line in the morn, I use a larger line for 2 reasons. One to get speed up, but the other and more important, to control torque so I don't break the line.

*****ONE IMPORTANT thing about big drums on FLS motors is that you burn up the brushes*******
If you resistor them you can't pull the amperage and burn them up.

Charlie wrote:
Do we really have to winch with full pedal all the way up the line? Remember, the more line we take in, the less altitude we can get. If the flight window starts after we get off the line, I don't see a reason to rush the launch. I see many pilots tap the glider up the line, then build tension near the top for a great zoom. This would be appropriate when there is a launch wind.. Down wind? This is full pedal time! I don't think there can be enough tension to break the line... My winch doesn't seem to have a problem with line breaks. Even with a full pedal launch.. I attribute this to the drum diameter.. It has more torque, less speed. With lots of speed, a winch will bog down. We loose tension when this happens. I prefer high torque. I think contest directors should consider this. It would eliminate many of the line breaks... And you still will get a great launch. I agree that we can't blame winches for not handling the larger gliders.. We need to manage the glider better up the line.. If we want to have new standards for winches, that would be ok. I think the smaller diameter drum would be the cheapest way to cure the line break problem... I will be at the SWC in Feb. Remember last year?? Line break city??? Perhaps we all can make a good effort to manage our tension? I will be flying my Sharon. I will have two with me. I will sell one of them after the contest. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas.

Jeff Steifel

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