Holly Cow.... I won RES for the second time in three years.....

Came down to my last 9min flight... I didn't get a landing all weekend.. Hell, 
I didn't even come within 3 feet of the spot,, And what a small spot it was... 
I thought I needed a 100 pointer and my time to win... So when I got an 80 
landing and my time I was thinking I got 2nd place... 

But Gordy had it right.... I was Rooted all weekend... 

First a big apology to Fred Weaver... I had a feeling this weekend was going to 
shit when Fred was yelled at for returning his 2.4 transmitter without a pin 
when they never gave him one......

My weekend was so much fun :-(

First  the Smoking Police... Turns out after 8 years that now their is a SVSS 
no smoking on green grass policy because of a perceived fire danger.. No 
problem barbecuing with a open flame or cutting dry grass or flying electrics 
that as we all know like to catch on fire when they crash... No.. Just make a 
public example out of me.... F U... 

Then I was yelled at over and over... First it was were I was standing while 
flying,,, Were I was flying...  And Oh ya.. U can't fly over your head at 30 
seconds... Been doing it for 40 years... Now its against the rules... 

SVSS is a perfect example of when you give someone a little power they turn 
into Nazi's.... What ever happened to the  SVSS rule # 1 2 and 3.. Having Fun? 

Disclaimer.. Despite being yelled at all weekend I still had a good time being 
with friends and the contest was run smoothly... A big shout out to Dudley 
Dufort for all his work keeping time.. I know it must of been hot as hell in 
that trailer.....

Ok.. I'm done.... 

Craig.. PS.. The Falcon barely made it home....I'll be replacing the U joints 
tomorrow :-)

tony estep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: ----- Original Message ----
From: Klaus Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

...Wouldn't be nearly as bad, if you had put the word 'FOR' in front of "you"...
ROFLMAO! Klaus, that gave me the best laugh I had yesterday.

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