Gospodarek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:        
              0   DocumentEmail              And then another approach:
  How about adding the time on tow as a bonus so you don’t penalize the 
non-moldy pilots that know how to use a winch. Maybe we could stop the no skill 
full pedal strength wars.

As someone who knows how to Tap Tap Tap then pedal and zoom.. I like that idea 
:-).. It works for moldies too :-)

  -----Original Message-----
 From: Craig Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 9:21 PM
 To: soaring@airage.com
 Subject: [RCSE] Contest idea....Time on tow penalty for TD?
  After watching the World F3J  I had an idea for a contest...
 Incorporate the time penalty on tow that they have in F3J but in a TD format.
 You would have a timer at each winch who would time your launch and write that 
time down on your card...  For example if it were a 10 min task and you towed 
for 6 sec the best time you could get would be a 9:54 even though you flew a 
perfect 10... Or even better... Double the time on tow penalty, so if it was a 
6 sec tow the best time you could get would be 9:48. Seems to me it would throw 
more strategy and fun into a normal TD contest
 Suggestions ? Comments?

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