Thanks to Chick Hurst.
I agree that distractions only impede reform --
especially reform that would rid our world and
cultures of, (in Chick's words), poverty and
economic, social, and political oppression
and injustice.
So Chick and I are singing off the same sheet
of music and lyrics.  He answers my concerns
that social credit is more about making laissez-
faire work than about using intelligent law to
help make freedom of enterprise more effec-
tive in concrete ways. I think we must examine
mixed economy examples and ad joc solutions
to arrive a a dynamic platform ready to learn
from experience. Povery, pollution and injustice
are the enemy.
On the Jewish experience over the past 5000
years -- we must remember Egypt, Babylonia,
Syria, Rome, the early Christian Jews, the
Jews before the middle ages and during that
dark age, and Jews around the world since the
enlightenment. Jews have been as varied as
everyman.   If anyone seriously blames the
Jews, per se, for anything, he is my enemy
along with every enemy of America and my
President.  I hesitate to get too deeply into
this -- we all have our hot buttons. -- and this
is not the discussion forum to exercise them:
Blaming Jews is one of mine.  Disrespecting
President Bush is another.
John Gelles


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: [SOCIAL CREDIT] Policy of a Philosophy

I like what John is saying and it ties in with what Bill Ryan is saying and I agree, but perhaps a better term might be crutch.


These side issues are distractions but when we, for example say that Social Credit is a good philosophy because it is based on Christian principles or because it suggests a Jewish conspiracy, or whatever, is an unnecessary crutch and that crutch is brandished by some like a sword as if to say that this is a good philosophy and Christianity is here to back it up.


What should be able to be said is that “Social Credit is a good philosophy,” period.  It is totally unnecessary to create heroes and villains.


And the banter about accounting is also a distraction that gets away from the real point, offering a solution to the economic oppression of the present system.


Way too much time and energy is wasted on the “distractions” and not enough on the actual fighting of poverty and economic, social and political oppression and injustice.


I have been on this planet for several years and like probably everyone else, I would like to go back to perhaps twenty five or thirty with the knowledge that I have now but… and in that time span I have met and gotten to know a lot of people, people of every colour, culture, religion and language and some were good and some were not.  From what I have experienced and from what I have studied I know that not all people are alike, not all hold the views that society generalizes that they do and most, if Social Credit was not presented the way that it was, would be very accepting of it with in the context and confines of their own religion or culture and that includes Jews.  In fact in Alberta, regardless of how the original books portrayed Social Credit, there were several Jews that were active members of the party and the movement.



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 12:29 AM
Subject: Re: [SOCIAL CREDIT] Policy of a Philosophy

The discussion between Keith Wilde, Chick Hurst,
Vince, Victor, and Bill Ryan, thread subject -- Policy
of a Philosophy, is not easy for me to fully grasp.
There seems to be a concern that Social Credit,
as a critique of modern accounting and both
laissez-faire and command economy doctrines,
may be missing an emphasis on outcomes (in
the game of life, as it were, where winning may
be  possible) relative to (a) individual fortune
and (b) economic inequality, at least.
In addition, there appears to be a concern that
Judaism may not share Christian values that may
tend to soften, for an individual's feelings or soul,
the aforesaid outcomes.
If this were the case, the further concern appears
to be that Social Credit advocates would find in
Judaism a defect not easy to overcome -- one
that might see two Venn diagram defining cricles
that did not overlap -- one encircling Judaism as
belief in a hard reality, the other circling Social
Credit as belief in something softer now and
I am reading "The Mind and the Market -- Capi-
talism in Modern European Thought"   by Jerry
Muller.  It is a serious study of laissez-faire
capitalism versus a planned economy, even a
mildly planned welfare state mixed economy.
Its scope is mainly philosophical -- Adam Smith,
Edmund Burke, Hegel (Georg, Wilhelm, Friedrich),
Karl Marx, Matthew Arnold, many others, ending
up with Joseph Schumpeter, Maynard Keynes,
Herbert Marcuse, and Friedrich Hayek.
Not only is its scope philosophical -- and therefore
related to the thread under discussion -- but it
tells of the Jews as an important people, including
Jewish elites and Jewish commoners, in the
development of both modern laissez-faire capi-
talism and planned and mixed economies.
Muller is an extremely gifted historian, tenured at
Catholic University in Washington D.C., and an
easy to read stylist. He avoids offering subjective
opinion -- even makes an art of avoiding it.  So he
will not settle the questions presented above on
outcomes or Judaism.  But he does throw a lot
of light on them.
In my subjective view, I think that outcomes matter.
Accounting is a small matter -- like all math it is trivial.
But food on the table matters. Defeating poverty and
pollution matters. Equality matters to all of us when
we say, "we are all equal before the bar of justice
and before God's fair and final judgement."  But
inequality matters when we run a foot race or ask
to have the best dentist around to stop our pain.
And in my view Judaism may be a series of texts
that can be assembled by scholars, but every Jew
is unique and not any more connected to those
texts than Christians are to Christianity.
Which leads me to conclude, subjectively, that
Social Credit advocates will never sell reform of
accounting to ordinary people. But they may sell
ideas that promise to end poverty and pollution
and to explain that the great middle class owes
it to itself to spread equality as far possible by
voting against useless inequality at every
This leaves useful inequality alone -- like some
great wealth to check and balance great political
gifts and power. Or some great talent in sport,
art and science, to exempt individuals from
any need to "be like the rest of us".
And as to money-crank reformers like myself,
some like me are Jews. Some not. I don't know
if any are Social Credit advocates -- or if any
SC advocates are money cranks.  I am fairly
ignorant of what a SC advocate is.   But if
they are mostly Christian -- that's OK with me.
Most of my best friends are Christian. Why?
Because there are so many of them and so
few Jews in America.
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