I find it useful in limited situations to run VNC.  Mostly to keep a
desktop active with a variety of terminals or browsers going and
possible to share with multiple users simultaneously.  I run it on a
headless machine (which does have a video card, though it's never been
attached to a monitor.)  I believe that it is perfectly possible to
run the setup with no vid card at all, but it's been a long time since
I looked into things.  'virtual frame buffers' or some such as I

If it would do you any good, here is the critical file for my TightVNC setup:

[usr@host: ~/.vnc] >cat xstartup


xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
fvwm2 &

And I start it something like so (from my notes):

  [usr@host: ~] >vncserver -rfbport 1501 -alwaysshared -name load_gen_vnc

I actually access the desktop through an ssh tunnel and if you are not
going to, I guess you need to make sure that nothing would block the
chosen port.

Even though I have currently a fairly beefy machine upon which I run
things, I tried to keep things light-weight by limiting the desktop
size and using a relatively light windows manager (fvwm2.)  How it
would do on a net5501 I do not know because I've not tried.  I have
built X on that platform and forward X11 in some rare cases (namely
wireshark since I am to lazy to figure out the non-X variant...this
works but only barely.)

I'm running FreeBSD and built everything from ports.  I think I recall
having troubles unless I installed 'xauth', and the problem/solution
was not very obvious.  FWIW, here are the things which start with 'x'
which I have installed:

tightvnc-1.3.10_3   Enhanced version of VNC
xauth-1.0.6         X authority file utility
xbitmaps-1.1.1      X.Org bitmaps data
xcb-proto-1.6       The X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) protocol
xcb-util-0.3.6_1    A module with libxcb/libX11 extension/replacement libraries
xclock-1.0.4_1      Analog and digital clock for X
xcmiscproto-1.2.1   XCMisc extension headers
xextproto-7.2.0     XExt extension headers
xf86bigfontproto-1.2.0 XFree86-Bigfont extension headers
xineramaproto-1.2.1 Xinerama extension headers
xorg-cf-files-1.0.3 X.org cf files for use with imake builds
xorg-fonts-100dpi-7.5.1 X.Org 100dpi bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-7.5.1    X.org fonts meta-port
xorg-fonts-75dpi-7.5.1 X.Org 75dpi bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-cyrillic-7.5.1 X.Org Cyrillic bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps-7.5.1 X.Org miscellaneous bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-truetype-7.5.1 X.Org TrueType fonts
xorg-fonts-type1-7.5.1 X.Org Type1 fonts
xorg-macros-1.15.0  X.Org development aclocal macros
xproto-7.0.22       X11 protocol headers
xrdb-1.0.6_1        X server resource database utility
xsetroot-1.1.0      root window parameter setting utility for X
xterm-275_1         Terminal emulator for the X Window System
xtrans-1.2.6        Abstract network code for X


 - Tom

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 9:24 PM,  <aa...@aa6qn.sytes.net> wrote:
> Does anyone have a HOWTO regarding the installation of TightVNC on a 5501?
> e.g What video cards - vesa, radion included within the kernel? I am
> running Gentoo Linux with an internal disk, xorg-server, Gnome X11 but can
> not get the display to open.
> I am not using any video adapter and was told to use the vesa drivers. Do
> I need to find a mini-pci adapter to make this work?
> Thank you in advance, JohnF
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