On 8/24/2012 6:17 PM, Michael Sierchio wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 5:17 AM, Jim Pingle <li...@pingle.org> wrote:
>> On 8/23/2012 6:50 PM, Mads Hjorth wrote:
>>> I am not yet at the point where a USB-bootable 6501 is an option, but I
>>> sure understand why this feature has been requested so much.
>> Why is that not an option? USB booting works fine on the latest BIOS of
>> the 6501
> It's not an option because he is talking about a 5501.

Ah that's my fault, I completely misread that line above as him having a
6501 but not being able to USB boot it for some reason.

Soren had mentioned before possibly making a new BIOS for the 5501 that
can boot USB like the 6501 (
http://marc.info/?l=soekris-tech&m=132242004112717&w=2 ), not sure what
happened to that effort. IIRC he said it was much easier to boot those
than to boot from CDs, so much of the same tactics should apply for
getting an OS on there.

Back in the 5501 days people wanting pfSense on an HDD pretty much
always had to yank out the HDD, install it on another machine, then move
it over. That, or run a NanoBSD-based variant.

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