Thanks for great support and an invaluable contribution to my ICE knowledge.

Don't forget the sunglasses. Your future will be so bright you will need them.


On 2012-09-05 03:54, Stephen Blair wrote:

I want to thank you all for your support and kind words. Last week started with such a low on Monday morning when I got the news, yet ended on Friday with such a boost to my confidence and outlook :-)

As I mentioned before, the blog will stay up. And I'll keep posting when I can, at least for awhile or until I find another job...after 20 months with just one missed day (when my login expired after I clicked Publish on my way out the door), it's hard to give up the habit.


On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 4:54 AM, Chris Marshall < <>> wrote:

    Really sad to hear about all the sh!t hitting the fan. Look, I
    only took a week off work and now this happens!
    Good luck to all you guys, whatever you get up to!!

    We'll be sticking with Soft for the forseable. I can't imagine
    switching and I still feel it's the best all-rounder out there.
    Just compositing a job in the FX tree now and it all just works
    (most of the time). And I can't live without ICE.


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