If only Softimage had gone to Dassault, instead of the travesty of an
auction that actually happened, at this point everybody would be turning
their heads towards it, and Chinny would be pouring Champagne for the old
team with everybody wearing the photos of two notable M&E employees
strapped to their arse.
History, sadly, went differently.

That said, I doubt they'll be killing off Soft any time soon. Right now
it's probably their lowest risk product with the resources it takes, and it
DID sell well in several markets for a few quarters now.

And as moronic as AD management is (and they're doing their best to prove
it on a monthly basis at this point), would they be THAT moronic that to
save the wages of a dozen staff they'd take a bad publicity hit such as
killing THE only animation brand left in the industry with that much
history? One would hope they can breath through their nose.

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