Are you lighting with ibl or do you have an HDR environment for FG lighting?

If you have small ultrabright light "sources" in the HDR, they are very
hard to sample accurately and your higlights may get 'fireflies."

Some things to try:

   -  make the illuminating HDR very low resolution, and use the Env_blur
   node to smooth it out.
   - use a color_basic node as a clipper on the HDR -- set the operation to
   "minimum," plug the HDR into one input, then set the other input color to
   the highest value you you can.  If you have serious problems, that may be
   R,G,B=1, but that would make your HDRI no longer HDR.  2 or 4 would at
   least represent 1 or 2 stops over white.
   - do the same thing with the surface shader that's giving you trouble,
   or use Felix Geremus's mia_architectural_advanced shader which include a
   clipping option.


On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Eric Lampi <> wrote:

> Having some issue with EXRs, specifically pixelated highlights. Initially
> I thought it was an anti-aliasing issue, but the same frame rendered result
> as a Softimage pic doesn't have that problem.
> Can someone tell me how to deal with this in either After Effects or the
> FXtree?
> Thanks,
> Eric
> --
> Freelance 3D and VFX animator

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