In SI using ultimapper you set an overall scan distance. In other solution 
there is a cage (the clone of the original low res model) and you tweak this 
cage to set the distance on a per vertex level. It’s almost critical in game 
dev where you might need different distances on your model (armpit, behind ear 
areas are good examples)




[] On Behalf Of Eric Cosky
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 5:41 AM
Subject: RE: Normal Maps in Softimage


Being primarily a Softimage user when it comes to 3D tools (I also use 3dcoat, 
fwiw), I don’t know what I’m missing with respect to “proper cage 
functionality” so if you don’t mind explaining that a bit further I’d 
appreciate it. Ultimapper always seemed to work for my simple & limited tests 
for baking maps within Softimage, but maybe there is a better way? Or maybe 
there are bugs with it I haven’t noticed yet? 


Just curious, thanks.


-Eric Cosky



[] On Behalf Of Williams, Wayne
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 5:24 AM
Subject: RE: Normal Maps in Softimage


Because Softimage doesn’t have proper cage functionality most folks I know that 
still use Soft have ditched baking normals with it. Xnormal (freeware) is 
pretty much the quasi-standard app for baking these days. 8 bit maps are fairly 
standard in my travels.  


If you are trying to get more “bump” to your normal you can duplicate the map 
in photoshop, double click it to bring up the layer dialog and set to overlay 
and uncheck the blue channel. Merge those together and you have a “stronger” 
map.  Another thing to note is depending on what you will be viewing in you may 
need to invert the green channel of the normal map, else the normals will look 
flipped weird. 


Also, if you are going to be viewing this in a game engine as the final result, 
it is typically standard workflow to check your normals there, because in the 
end, it doesn’t really matter what they look like in Soft/Maya/Max.  





[] On Behalf Of Adam Sale
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 2:15 AM
Subject: Normal Maps in Softimage


So, My Softimage decided to play hardball with me and stopped working earlier 
this evening. 


What I had wanted to test out tonight were Normal Maps in Softimage. I don't do 
a whole lot of texturing , and have known the normal map to be a little strange 
in my past dealings with it. 


One of my students is having an issue generating normal maps out of mudbox and 
getting them to work in Softimage. 


Is anyone having success with this, or do you generally import high res meshes 
into soft and use Ultimapper to create the maps.


When creating maps, is it best to create 16 bit or float maps/ Do they always 
give superior results to 8 bit? 


My main issue with the normal maps out of Mudbox, is that they don't look like 
the correct scale or relief of the normals mesh in midbox, or even when I apply 
the normals to a similar mesh in Maya, and the fact the normal map 3 node 
doesnt allow us to scale normals is a bit perplexing.


The workaround with mixing the normal map with a mix 2 color node set to mix 
with RGB at .5 and B at 1 doesn't quite cut it.. 


Is there a good working solution that I am simply missing? 


A better normalMap node perhaps? 






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