Depressing that The Area does not censor?

I personally found the opposite to be true..   

Otherwise, thought I had to say so not to spread claims that turned out to be
and I said I would to Maurice.
about my name, maybe I don't know..

Anyways, I said what I had to so I'm done. 

Cheers! ;) 

 From: jo benayoun <>
Sent: Friday, January 4, 2013 9:58 PM

your message is depressing dude!
take it easy!
Also would be a good idea to setup a real name instead of the 'FX Person'...

2013/1/4 Fx Person <>

>To clarify a situation,
>I have forwarded here an Email sent to Cory Mogk and Maurice Patel on the 
>"Rumors" thread,
>which included the following when talking about my post that was
>.. and was immediately presented with a
>"your post is held for moderation"  message.
>After a week I assumed that it wouldn't show-up (as it didn't since),
>.. but what made me -NOT- think that  "held for moderation"
>actually meant  "held for censorship" ...
>And to clarify, after subsequent discussions with Maurice, Cory, and Nicolas 
>Leduc (Area Admin I think)
>it seems that it was the spam filter which intercepted my post .
>(perhaps due to the fact that I was also
 the last poster on that same thread adding something)
>So if I gave the impression that The Area censored it's forums, my apologies.
>Thanks and Happy New Year everyone! 

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