id be keen for the ICE and math part

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 10:21 AM, Upinder Dhaliwal <>wrote:

> Sounds interesting Raff, I'll be keen as well.
> On Thursday, February 14, 2013, Daniel Jahnel wrote:
>>  yep, would be interested as well, keep us posted...
>> -D
>> On 13/02/2013 15:57, Ciaran Moloney wrote:
>> Yes, very!
>> I've always looked with deep suspicion upon the dark arts of rigging.
>> Would be nice to   have an insight to that world.
>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 6:30 AM, Raffaele Fragapane <
>>> wrote:
>>> Heya all,
>>> I'm currently fishing around for interest and feedback on a potential
>>> rigging (for animation) workshop.
>>> The format and venue would be the same of my technical direction one,
>>> CGSociety, Videos+Literature+Forums Feedback for eight weeks. The costs,
>>> media access, infrastructure etc. are the usual they provide these days.
>>> I'm basically interested in knowing how many people would be genuinely
>>> interested, and to get a rough idea of what level would be the most popular.
>>> Currently I have a couple curriculum sketched out, and am inclined to do
>>> something that ranges from basics (familiarity with the software the
>>> pre-req but not aimed to veteran character TDs) to intermediate techniques
>>> for the animation end of things, so deformation, other than the basics, and
>>> layered proceduralism absent, but definitely touch on design, dev,
>>> modularity and maths/tech fundamentals on building user facing rigs.
>>> If interest seems to be skewed away from that though, I could consider
>>> offsetting towards something of a more advanced level, but I have a hunch
>>> it'd get a lot of lip service but less pull.
>>> Timeframe would be a start some time between May and August, depending
>>> on several factors.
>>> Anyway, any expressions of interest, public or private, and feedback
>>> would be sincerely appreciated.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Raff
> --
> *--
> Upinder Dhaliwal*

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