Do you use the FXTree Guillaume, actively ?
Some on the list grew with FXTree while others do there work in a compositing program.  Whatever rocks your boat, I suppose. 


Sunday, April 07, 2013 7:04 PM
How many people on this list use FXTree for Active work ?

Just people using XSI and doing rendering related stuff and knowing the FxTree :).

Sunday, April 07, 2013 6:25 PM
Gullaume - There are two meaning to 'dead'
Dead as in it's not actively used and Dead as it's removed from the product.
Dead as in Walking Dead :)

How many people on this list use FXTree for Active work ?


Sunday, April 07, 2013 6:18 PM
The FxTree is not dead of course. Every components of XSI can be improved at any time by the Softimage team.
Improved by adding feature to the existing code or improved by creating a new version of the component (like when ICE replaced the old particle system).

FxTree will be dead the day it will be removed from the product. 

Simple as that.

Every other statements are just pure speculation.

Period :).


Sunday, April 07, 2013 5:13 PM

Kaydara created Filmbox in the 1990s. FBX is the Filmbox format.


Filmbox became Motionbuilder in 2002.


Alias acquired Kaydara in 2004.

Autodesk acquired Alias in 2006





Joey Ponthieux

LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES)

Mymic Technical Services

NASA Langley Research Center


Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not

represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.


From: [] On Behalf Of Paul Griswold
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2013 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: This is what I meant by AE integration


Thanks - I'll give that a try.  I know the Eyeon guys complain that Autodesk doesn't adhere to the FBX standards (even though didn't AD come up with FBX?) and so Fusion's FBX support isn't 100%.  


It'd be nice to have Alembic in both..





On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Mikael Pettersén <> wrote:

Paul: If you export the fbx as 2010 in Softimage the animation will work in Fusion as well. 


On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Paul Griswold <> wrote:

Fusion is great with Softimage & it's 3D environment is fantastic.  Getting things back and forth isn't as easy as I'd like, though.  You can export your scenes as FBX, but Fusion won't/doesn't see camera animation in FBX files from XSI for some reason.  So you have to export your camera as a dotXSI, and then import it into Fusion - then you get your geometry & your animated camera.


Fusion doesn't support Sub-D's, though, so any subdivided object comes in un-subdivided.  


The new C4D-AE pipeline only interests me for motion graphics.  I think AE is a real pain to work with for serious compositing.  





On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 11:11 PM, Christopher <> wrote:

Nuke pipeline to expensive for me.  The only thing I hate with AE is the slew of plug-ins, that is the plus Nuke has, it's all mostly within the software.  Fusion is another alternative, considering the plugins for AE, maybe I should go the fusion route.


Friday, April 05, 2013 10:33 PM

If you work with Nuke, also be SURE to check-out  T.I.M. XSI 2 Nuke (!)

Imports objects (planes or more complex object along with UVs),
cameras, all with anims (not sure about deforms) flawlessly!

Must have in a XSi Nuke Pipeline

Friday, April 05, 2013 8:53 PM

I brought up a little while ago that I really wish Softimage had better AE integration & the announcement of the Adobe/Maxon agreement.


This is what I was talking about:



Watch the videos & you'll see what I mean.


I don't think Softimage necessarily needs that level of integration, but right now there is zero official support, so something would be better than what we've got now.







Sunday, April 07, 2013 4:29 PM
Thanks - I'll give that a try.  I know the Eyeon guys complain that Autodesk doesn't adhere to the FBX standards (even though didn't AD come up with FBX?) and so Fusion's FBX support isn't 100%.  

It'd be nice to have Alembic in both..


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