Well, IMHO there are times when Softimage is too robust for it's own good.
 In this case, being able to quickly set up a huge number of image planes
without having to create a material, UVs, or even a grid, is great.

I'm a far cry from a TD, so I look at a huge pile of randomly sized images
from my client that I have to use in a motion graphics piece and the only
solution I have in my mind is to create a grid, apply a material/sprite
node, attach an image, create UVs, and then repeat the process over and
over until I have them all built.

With ImagePlane3D in Fusion you feed it an image, it generates a grid,
creates UVs and assigns a surface automatically.  If you switch the image,
it changes the grid to match the aspect ratio of the new image.

It's not that I'm enthusiastic about it, I'm just lazy and wanted a faster
way to get things set up. ;-)

But it did get me thinking about Particle Illusion and how it does things &
how cool it would be if ICE could do something similar.  PI is a particle
system that fakes a lot of stuff by using images or image sequences.
 Imagine if you could load an image / image sequence directly into ICE and
change the Emit Shape to "Image" and instead of a point, sphere, etc., you
emitted images.


On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 2:17 PM, olivier jeannel <olivier.jean...@noos.fr>wrote:

>  I'm not working this week end (no Softimage), but I don't really get
> what is this image plane you're so enthousiast about.
> Feel free to throw a screen grab (if you've got time).
> Take care,
> Olivier
> Le 11/05/2013 19:46, Paul Griswold a écrit :
>  Wow that's awesome!
>  Yeah, in Fusion the ImagePlane3D is used to set up matte shots.  You can
> feed it an image and it'll just give you a grid that's exactly the correct
> size/aspect to match the image & it also uses the alpha properly.  It's
> great for quickly setting up an environment - you just load up trees,
> bushes, a treeline, etc.
>  I was thinking about it, and what would be really cool is if there was a
> way for ICE to read a bunch of images, create an array and then apply them
> to the ICE rectangle particle shapes individually.  Basically the way you'd
> normally pick a group of objects for your instance shapes, but just with
> images.
>  Thanks!
>  Paul
> On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 5:34 AM, Martin <furik...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  My mistake, it was xres and yres.
>>  And now that I have opened SI, I wrote something.
>>  If I haven't misunderstand what you need, you could do something like
>> this:
>>  //-------------------
>>  //JScript
>>  // Load Texture
>> var ImgFilePath = "Pictures\\TEST.tga";
>>  var newImg = SICreateImageClip(ImgFilePath)(0);
>> xres = newImg.Source.xres.value;
>> yres = newImg.Source.yres.value;
>>  // Create Grid
>> var r = ActiveSceneRoot;
>> var imgName = ImgFilePath.substring(ImgFilePath.lastIndexOf("\\")+1,
>> ImgFilePath.lastIndexOf("."));
>> var grid = r.AddGeometry("grid", "MeshSurface", imgName);
>> grid.vlength = (yres / xres) * grid.ulength.value;
>>  // Apply Material
>> ApplyShader("$XSI_DSPRESETS\\Shaders\\Material\\Lambert.Preset", grid,
>> null, "", siLetLocalMaterialsOverlap);
>> var Shader = grid.Material.shaders("Lambert");
>> SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint(newImg, Shader.diffuse, false);
>> var TP = CreateProjection(grid, siTxtPlanarXZ, siTxtDefaultPlanarXZ,
>> null, "Texture_Projection", null, null, null)(1);
>> SetInstanceDataValue(null, Shader+".Image.tspace_id", TP);
>> grid.Material.name = imgName + "_Mat";
>>  //-------------------
>>  It will create a grid, keep the grid U value and change its Y value to
>> match the texture aspect ratio.
>>  Make a loop with FSO and your folder with your textures and do your 100
>> grids in seconds.
>>  regards,
>>  M.Yara
>> On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 12:03 PM, Martin <furik...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  I haven't used Fusion so I don't know exactly what is ImagePlane3D but
>>> if you want to create a grid, put a texture and match the aspect ratio to
>>> texture, I don't think there is something like that out of the box but that
>>> should be easily scriptable by reading the imageclip's source resx and
>>> resy. (I'm not in front of a PC but I think it was something like that
>>> imageclip.source.resx)
>>>  cheers
>>> Martin
>>> On 2013/05/11, at 3:31, Paul Griswold <
>>> pgrisw...@fusiondigitalproductions.com> wrote:
>>>   Softimage doesn't happen to have anything like Fusion's ImagePlane3D,
>>> does it?
>>>  It's nothing more than a simple grid with an image mapped to it.  But
>>> the nice thing is, there's no need to create UVs or a material and the grid
>>> is automatically sized to match the aspect ratio of the image you're
>>> feeding it.
>>>  I have a project where I need to create probably 100+ of these simple
>>> image planes, so it'd be fantastic of Soft had something like that.
>>>  -Paul

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