Very high resolution with high AA and many in-memory Framebuffers could
take quite a lot of ram. If that's the case, try to write the framebuffers
directly to disk.
HDRIs take a lot of memory in V-Ray, make them as small as you can.
Look at the log files to see where your memory usage is at.
Check displacement settings. It's very easy for a artist to use way to many
subdivisions in VRayDisplacement due to the bad interface.
Maybe reduce Dynamic Memory Limit if it's set too high.


On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Morten Bartholdy <>wrote:

>   Apologies for the OT, but I gather there are many Vray users here, so I
> thought i would give it a try, as we are in a pinch here.
>    We have a scene with a reasonable amount of geometry ( 8 million
> triangles ) and lots and lots of glossy reflections. Vray crashes on the
> farm due to memory usage (machines have 24 GB RAM). We are investigating
> the culprit, since neither geometry nor textures should use a lot of
> memory, and the glossy reflections should not use a lot of memory, onlu cpu
> cycles. Ligthing is a mix of HDRI and a few lightsources, so currently we
> suspect either light cache and/or BSP setup. We inherited the scenes from
> someone else, so we are careful to not break the look, but are looking into
> what can be tweaked.
>    Are there some seasoned Vray users here who might be able to point us
> to what to optimize for this specific problem?
>    Thanks!
>    Morten

Jens Lindgren
Lead Technical Director
Magoo 3D Studios <>

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