As Paul said;


+1 on this from Leo Quensel


1 - ICE:

Extremely flexible system for creating all kinds of FX, deformers, etc...


2 - Operator Stack:

True non-destructive workflow and the ability to rearrange operators and
inputs at any time (directly related to ICE aswell).


3 - Extremely streamlined UI:

Everything works with everything, fast UI elements like the sticky keys,
tweak tool, mini explorer (F3), fast snapping (CTRL)


4 - Explorer:

The explorer is an awesome tool for keeping track of your scenes with the
ability to dig down to the operators and attributes


5 - Selections:

The selection system in Soft is super smart and works like you would expect.

Anyone who has gone through the hell of mixing object based and component
based selections of Maya probably knows what I mean.

Also Raycast selections, being able to 'paint' selections, rectangle raycast
selections, etc... (Maya is also pure hell in this regard)



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