I use Primatte Keyer
<http://www.redgiant.com/products/all/primatte-keyer/> within
After Effects, for all my green screen work.
Although not a totally automated process, nor would you want it to be,
it is one of the easiest that I have used. It is also excellent
about removing green "spill" from the keyed subjects.

This is a plugin for Adobe After Effects, Final Cut Pro, and Apple Motion.
so If you don't have one of these apps, it could get pricey.
If you don't do green screen all the time, it may not be worth the expense.
If you do a lot of green screen work, it is definitely worth the expense
for all the time it will save you.

On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 1:32 AM, Alok Gandhi <alok.gandhi2...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I am looking for an application which can do automated keying.
> A client of mine wants to get an automated process, used by non-artist
> with some kind of interface to do automated keying.
> I was thinking of doing a nuke script / plugin to do this.
> Any other ideas ?
> --


Best Regards,
*  Stephen P. Davidson*

*(954) 552-7956*    sdavid...@3danimationmagic.com

*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*

 - Arthur C. Clarke


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