> it's cold in here.....

because it isn’t as simple as you think?

best is to go the ICE way, disconnect/poly islands driven by particles’ SRTs 
works fine and fast. 
There was also the older ICE method, (was it guillaume’s?) exploding the object 
into it’s poly islands, and using them as instances on particles – but that got 
slow on hundreds of parts.

then there is the old school non ice way: create a cluster center for each poly 
island and animate these directly or by pose constraining to nulls.

On 25 August 2015 at 11:42, Chris Marshall <chrismarshal...@gmail.com> wrote:

  Any thoughts or pointers? I know this is really simple and can't believe I'm 
struggling, but I've never had to do this before.


  On 25 August 2015 at 11:09, Chris Marshall <chrismarshal...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Hi All,

    I'm having some brain fade here. I need to take a logo, break it into 
individual faces and animate them around separately. Should be easy enough, but 
I can't think how. I've broken the object up using DisconnectComponent. So 
what's the easiest way to simply explode the faces, or animate them in some 
interesting way? This will be a logo forming together, so just some basic 
Mograph type animation.




  Chris Marshall

  Mint Motion Limited
  029 20 37 27 57
  07730 533 115



Chris Marshall

Mint Motion Limited
029 20 37 27 57
07730 533 115


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