: >It would would be really cool is if you could say something like...
: >
: >         field:[low TO high]^0  other clauses XXX^0
: >
: >...and SolrIndexSearcher recognised that teh score contributions from the
: >range query and the XXX TermQuery weren't going to contribute to the
: >score, so it pulled the DocSets for them explicitly, and replaced their
: >spots in the orriginal query with ConstantScoreQueries containing their
: >DocSets ... that way they could be cached independently and reused.

: Right now, if I have ranges that I don't want to affect the score,
: but I would like to have cached, I should use Filter Queries, right?
: (SolrParams.FQ)

Right, that way they get cached independently, but that doesn't help the
"match all docs" case where you *need* a large general query clause to be
inlcuded in your main query to positively select things for you ... i was
hypothosizing that some benefit might be gained in the long run by making
the QueryParser a little smarter so hat it could (in essence) figure out
the some FQs based on boost values, but still elave hem in the main query
using Scorers that rely on the cached DocSet to decide what matches,
instead of re-executing the work over and over for each variation.


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