That helps.  I ended up updating the file in /etc/default and that 
was in getting picked up.  Thanks

> On May 11, 2016, at 2:05 PM, Tom Gullo <> wrote:
> My Solr installation is running on Tomcat on port 8080 with a  web context 
> name that is different than /solr.   We want to move to a basic jetty setup 
> with all the defaults.  I haven’t found a clean way to do this.  A lot of the 
> values like baseurl and /leader/elect/shard1 have values that need to be 
> updated.  If I try shutting down the servers, change the zookeeper settings 
> and then restart Solr in Jetty I get issues - like Solr thinks they are 
> replicas.   So I’m looking to see if anyone knows what is the cleanest way to 
> move from a Tomcat/8080 install to a Jetty/8983 one.
> Thanks
>> On May 11, 2016, at 1:59 PM, John Bickerstaff <> 
>> wrote:
>> I may be answering the wrong question - but SolrCloud goes in by default on
>> 8983, yes?  Is yours currently on 8080?
>> I don't recall where, but I think I saw a config file setting for the port
>> number (In Solr I mean)
>> Am I on the right track or are you asking something other than how to get
>> Solr on host:8983/solr ?
>> On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Tom Gullo <> wrote:
>>> I need to change the web context and the port for a SolrCloud installation.
>>> Example, change:
>>> host:8080/some-api-here/
>>> to this:
>>> host:8983/solr/
>>> Does anyone know how to do this with SolrCloud?  There are values stored
>>> in clusterstate.json and <collection>/leader/elect and I could change them
>>> but that seems a little messy.
>>> Thanks

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