On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 8:49 PM, Jon Drukman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1. How do people deal with having solr start when system reboots, manage
> the log output, etc.  Right now I run it manually under a unix 'screen'
> command with a wrapper script that takes care of restarts when it crashes.
>  That means that only my user can connect to it, and it can't happen when
> the system starts up... But I don't see any other way to control the process
> easily.

We use daemontools.  Restarts solr whenever it goes down (for whatever
reason) and directs output to a set of rotated log files.  Very handy for a
production environment.  A bit tricky to set, but solid once you have it in



Jason Rennie
Head of Machine Learning Technologies, StyleFeeder
Samantha's blog & pictures: http://samanthalyrarennie.blogspot.com/

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