On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 05:49:32PM -0700, Jon Drukman wrote:
> 1. How do people deal with having solr start when system reboots, manage 
> the log output, etc.  Right now I run it manually under a unix 'screen' 
> command with a wrapper script that takes care of restarts when it crashes.  
> That means that only my user can connect to it, and it can't happen when 
> the system starts up... But I don't see any other way to control the 
> process easily.

We use a standalone jetty instance for our solr war, and I have that controlled
with an init.d script for start/stop/restart.  I'm actually packing our solr
server as an rpm with a customized jetty config, the solr war, the solr
configuration all the solr/bin scripts and an init.d script and deploying it to
servers that way.

I'd be happy to donate the enhanced jetty configuration (jmx and such), along
with the init.d script to the community if anyone wants it as part of the
example application.

Or if people are interested in the rpm spec I can make that available as well.



 Jeremy Hinegardner                              [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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