On 12/20/2017 2:40 PM, Arun Rangarajan wrote:
I think multi-select faceting does the opposite of what I want. I want the
facet to include the filters.

You don't have any filters to include or exclude. You would need fq parameters to use multi-select faceting. But as you say, it doesn't do what you want anyway.


As you can see, hierarchy and interests are both multi-valued string fields.

I want pivot facet counts for the two fields: hierarchy and interests, but
filtered for only two values of interests field: hockey, soccer.


The counts for hockey and soccer are correct. But I am also getting the
facet counts for other values of interests (like tennis, futbol, etc.,)
since these values match the query. I understand why this is happening.
This is why I said I want to do something like
for facet pivots. Is there a way to do that?

I see now. It's showing the other values because the fields are multivalued and the matching documents actually do contain those values, so Solr is working the way I expected it to, but your data is different than I was thinking. It's the multivalued aspect that makes this problematic.

I was not aware that you could limit the terms with field faceting. Either the syntax to achieve what you want is different than what you are using, or it just can't be done with pivot faceting at the moment because there are no options to do it. I'm guessing the latter, but since I am not familiar with the code, I cannot say for sure. Hopefully somebody else can speak up with an option, but I'm not expecting that to happen.


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