Aha!  I had tried get_true_height, but I had used ints instead of
floats.  Now it works great.  Thanks!

Incidently, is there an easy way to get a normal of the face from which
I'm getting the height off the land?  I've seen a function that does
something like that, but I'm not sure how it works for Land.

One of the reasons I'm curious about how the Land works with trees is
that I wanted to use the nodes that get calculated for some stuff other
than occlusion and LOD, like using them for collision detection.  I
could make a double-linked list or something, match all the objects to
the nodes created on the octtree(it's an octtree, right?), and only
concern myself with doing collision detection on objects in nearby
nodes, thereby culling all the extraneous objects and (hopefully) making
things faster.  If there's potentially an interface to those nodes,
that'd be a cool thing to use, especially if those nodes accurately
reflect the structure of the level (i.e. the position of the Land meshes
AND any other level objects)

I looked up PyPlay, but realized after I did so that you were referring
to a notional module as yet uncreated.  I'm a little thick like that. 
Still, is there a need for such a thing?  Would anyone be interested in
using/contributing to a module of common high-level game hacks (kind of
like re-coding many of Mark DeLoura's "Game Gems" into Python)?  Could
be a good related project.  BTW, yup, A* (A-star) does process paths
through graphs (among other things) by testing nodes against a heuristic
for the distance to the goal node.  It was invented in the late 60s, I
think, and gets used for lots of AI stuff, but I hadn't yet seen it for


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