On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 06:41:21PM +0100, Bertrand Lamy wrote:
> Do we really need P3_image to be accessible in Python?
> I think it would be better to use directly the image class of the PIL rather than 
>our own. Here is an example of what I have in mind:

I don't think it's necessary to have any references to PIL in the Soya
Python code. If someone were using Pygame, for instance, they would
probably want to use the Pygame image loading routines. Likewise, I
might want to create a synthetic image using Numerical Python. All three
of these have the ability to produce Python strings that are usable by
all the tools.

Having a stripped down image class in Soya just seems to be the cleanest
way to provide an interface that doesn't discriminate among ways to
load/make an image. I suppose one could also write a simple Python
wrapper that holds a string, a type, a size, and an option, or just use
a tuple of these. I don't see how that's different from just having the
class wrap a pointer to a P3_image, and wrapping P3_image will give
better performance because the image data will only need to be copied
once for any given image.

Another argument for this way of doing things is that everybody else does
it that way: Pygame allows you to make surfaces from a string, size, and
format; this is how to get images into Numeric arrays, and this is how
one gets an image from any of these tools into PyOpenGL. I don't see why
Soya should be any different, since I think one of the most import
charactistics Soya needs to have is ease of learning. This is probably
the most important charactistic Python has, and the Python developers
work very hard on keeping consistent interfaces across modules.

One problem with sharing image data is that memory management becomes a
bit more difficult, though, so this could be an argument for converting
from Python types each time an image is used in Soya. Of course, Soya
could also be linked against Boehm's conservative garbage collector  :)

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