I'm guessing you want us to test everything and tell you our results?  Here is what I found:

I removed /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/soya directory AND my soya directory where I install from, then did an anonymous checkout so I would be starting from scratch as much as possible.  In order to get soya3d to compile and install I had to edit image.c and move these three lines above the other includes:

#include <png.h>
#endif /* HAVE_LIBPNG */

I also had to remove the data/CVS dir as mentioned in a previous e-mail.

After installing I tried to run each lesson in order.  All lessons worked as expected except for:

lesson-012.py prints:
begin morph creation (2 coordsys)
..registering 65 faces
..morph data finalized (2 mesh)
<Morph data > <class 'soya.model.MorphShape'>
Segmentation fault

lesson-104.py opens a blank screen and gives me:
ERROR : can't open file : XY
where X and Y seem to be completely random characters each time I run it.  Pressing q does close the window however, so I believe it is running correctly other than not loading the landscape.

lesson-108 prints some text on a green screen, but also gives me:
ERROR : can't open font /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/urw/courier/ucrb8a.pfb
ERROR : can't open font /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/urw/courier/ucrb8a.pfb
But that is probably specific to the fonts installed.

lesson-109.py gives me:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "lesson-109.py", line 86, in ?
    text = soya.widget.Label(group, "Soya3D is a high level 3D engine written in C and Python by Jiba & Blam\n\nSoya3D is released under the GNU General Public License\n\nFor more information, please visit our website at http://oomadness.tuxfamily.org", 1, color, soya.font_texture_load(os.path.join(path_data, "font_time_22")))
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'font_texture_load'
* Soya3D * Quit...

lesson-114.py works, but is so dark I almost can't see it.

I haven't looked into any of these items yet, I just wanted to report back exactly what I saw.  My system is a fairly up to date gentoo linux install, with an nvidia GeForce 4ti 4200 video card, if any of that matters.  My program that I was playing around with a few weeks ago is still a bit broke from this update of soya3d.  I think I have corrected everything incompatable between 0.2.1 and cvs, but my landscape is not showing up with the same can't open file error as lesson-104.py.  Looks to me as if the filename is being lost somewhere in the from_image/PyP3Land_FromImage/P3_land_from_image/P3_load_image function calls, but since it's been more than 10 years since I've programmed in C, I wouldn't see a call by reference/name error if you highlighted it with a red pen!  Just my WAG at what might be going on.

I'd be really curious if others have these same problems, and if only some people have problems, what is common.


On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 18:32, Jiba wrote:
Hi all,

Is everything OK in the CVS for the release of Soya 0.3 ? I've checked all the tutorial and they are right.

BTW Soya is now compatible with PyGame !!!

Jack Madison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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