
Soya 0.3 is out !

Changelog is here :

  * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES !!! ALL SDL* and SDL_* constant have been
    renamed without the SDL prefix
  * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES !!! All soya saved file MUST have a ".data"
    extension (because of CVS). Renaming your older file is OK: the
    file format itself have not changed, (except for materials, see
  * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES !!! materials file-format have changed !
  * Can be used along with PyGame !!!!!!
  * Animations (see tutorial lesson 11)
  * Faccutter module, to improve your shape by adding more faces
    (see tutorial lesson 114 and 115)
  * A main loop with FPS regulation (see soya.idler, and tutorial
    lesson 013)
  * Widgets now have begin_round, advance_time and end_round methods


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